
Learn how to apply the Pentatonic Scales and all the Modes including altered Modes using the six strings of the guitar.

  • This is a new method for easier improvisation and creating lead lines by remaining in the same Scale Position throughout most Chord Progressions and Key Changes.

  • Learn a Modal approach for playing Blues/Jazz with Scales using up to ten Notes plus the Flat 2nd and Flat 6th as used by Jimi Hendrix in his Jazz Blues piece ‘Red House’.

  • Featuring a newly identified seven Note Scale for the Dominant 7#9 Hendrix Chord that is truly psychedelic being both Major and Minor in tonality.

  • Also included are revolutionary Altered Modes for Augmented and Diminished Chords based on Stacked Third Intervals plus extra Notes with No Consecutive Semitones.

Example of a Scale Diagram for an Aeolian Mode for first type of A Minor Chord.

It is recommended to first learn how to easily identify the various Scales and Modes for a Chord Progression in the INTRODUCTORY LEVEL COURSE using a simple new Box and Limbo method based on the Modes.

Private Online Lessons are available for support.

The first section of this Course is FREE then additional Course materials are available for streaming and download after Sign Up to MEMBERSHIP and payment of USD$40.00 which includes the following:

  • To stream, presenting the fingering and sound of the Scales with diagrams, except Scales for Jazz Blues, Augmented and Diminished Chords, due to complexity.

  • For practise using the same Chord Changes and Scale diagrams indicated in the Scale Demonstration videos. Included are Backing Tracks for the Jazz Blues Scales, Augmented and Diminished Scales.

  • Downloadable Scale diagrams in collections for easy reference and printing.